- Eggshells have calcium carbonate, which, when subjected to heat processing, becomes calcium oxide that absorbs acidic gases such as carbon dioxide.
- The water-gas-shift reaction gasifies fossil fuels to produce carbon monoxide that combines with water to ultimately produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
Making eggshells into hydrogen fuel can be another source for an alternative fuel in the future. These eggshells may not be enough to produce hydrogen for the whole country but at east, it can be a useful organic waste better than dumping in landfills.
Engineered Eggshells To Help Make Hydrogen Fuel. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/09/070926113832.htm
Eggshells Found Instrumental in Producing Hydrogen Fuel. www.techcolumbus.org/en/art/?503
Chicken Eggshells Make Hydrogen Fuel. www.scientificblogging.com/news_account/chicken_eggshells_make_hydrogen_fuel
hey...i didn't ever know that eggshells contain calcium carbonate which can further be used to produce hydrogen fuel..hr8 post revealing valuable information about a new way of saving our non-renewable resources.