Thursday, April 23, 2009
Stomach upsets and headaches? Try peppermint...
Peppermint is more than just for flavoring food. It can do more- it helps relieve headaches and stomach upsets.
Peppermint has high menthol content and is a popular flavoring agent for toothpaste, candies, and tea. It is a calming agent that helps in soothing an upset stomach, and because it has numbing and calming effects, it is used to treat headaches, skin irritation, nausea, diarrhea, menstrual cramps and flatulence. Its soothing aroma can counter the symptoms of the common cold. Peppermint is said to have a positive effect on patients with depression.
According to studies, peppermint extract is much more effective than conventional pis and aspirins in relieving headaches. Peppermint can also be used to prevent skin diseases, urinary tract infections, and herpes. It can relieve asthma when taken as tea.
Jenny Hope,Peppermint'beats pills for soothing a headache'
Peppermint:Good for you and delicious in
Bato Balani.ISSN 0117-7052 VOL. 28 NO.3 SY 2008-2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
NENO's Award
I would like to thank Dennis Dumaop of the absurd mind who happen to be my namesake for tagging me with this kind of award, the Neno's award. I am very honored that I am chosen as one of those bloggers to receive this stuff....
I started blogging when I am encouraged by my wife to spend some of my spare time to this kind of stuff...I started just January of this year. I gained lots of friends here. I appreciate the comments and feedback that I receive and most importantly, I have shared the things that I love through blogging. Another thing is that I learned that I can earn through this hobby. I started to love blogging since then...and through this award, may i have the chance to thank those fellow bloggers who supported me by following my blog and added it to their favorites and visiting my page for some time..
This award aims to:
- As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
- To seek the reasons why we all love blogging.
- Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
- Don't forget to mention the name of the person who gave you the award.
- Answer the award's question by writing the reasons why you love blogging.
- Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
- Don't forget to notify the award recipients and put their links in your post
I want to pass this blog tag award to the following people who have spent some of their time checking my blog and read my recent posts...I want to share this award to you guys...
- The Pseudomonas by Briliam
- Brief Stories by penwriting
- Klinika kinetics by Jess Quijano
- muZik blog-latest music by janjee
Monday, April 13, 2009
Do you wonder how does the sun turn street lights on and off?
Before, most street lights are controlled by time switches, which operate a group of lights in nearby streets. The earliest time switches worked by clockwork and had to be wounded up and adjusted every week. Then this was replaced by an electric clock with a rotating dial, containing levers or off at chosen times. They are similar to many time switches on central heating systems.
Nowadays switching times of street lights need not be adjusted anymore. Street lights automatically turn on as soon as darkness falls and turn off as soon as they are no longer needed. This is made possible using the device called Photoelectric control unit or PECU, a light-operated switch. PECUs switch on the supply when the light level falls beneath a given vaue (at dusk) and switch the supply OFF when it rises above another level (at dawn). The ratio between two ight levels is known as the switching ratio.
A photo cell in a PECU device contains a ight-sensitive compound such as cadmium suphide or silicon. Cadmium suphide has an electrical conductivity approximately equal to the level of light. At dawn, light falling on the photocell causes the eletrons to flow from one atom to another, onducting electricity to the switch and turning it off. When darkness fas, the eectrons in the compound become immobile, the current stops, and the lights are turned on. The exact time that the current is switched on and off depends on weather conditions.
What are PECUs?
How does the sun turn lights on and off?Bato Balani;ISSN 0117-7079 Vol.28 NO.6 SY 2008-2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Where did "once in a blue moon" phrase originate?
The phrase once in a blue moon pertains to an event that may happen very rarely or seldom or may not happen at all..After all when was the last time you saw the moon turned blue? The "blue moon" expression is old and dates back to medieval England. According to modern folklore, a blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month. Usually, months have only one full moon, but occasionally, a second one sneaks in. Full moons are separated by 29 days, while most months are 30 or 31 days long; so it is possible to fit two full moons in a singe month. This happens every two and a half years, on average.
For example, in 2004, the month of July had two ful moons. The first happened in July 2, while the other one happened in Juy 31, which by definition is a "blue moon".
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